<<set $score -=2>> Velociraptor (meaning "swift seizer")[1] is a genus of dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur that lived approximately 75 to 71 million years ago during the later part of the Cretaceous Period.[2] Two species are currently recognized, although others have been assigned in the past. The type species is V. mongoliensis; fossils of this species have been discovered in Mongolia. A second species, V. osmolskae, was named in 2008 for skull material from Inner Mongolia, China.\n\nSmaller than other dromaeosaurids like Deinonychus and Achillobator, Velociraptor nevertheless shared many of the same anatomical features. It was a bipedal, feathered carnivore with a long tail and an enlarged sickle-shaped claw on each hindfoot, which is thought to have been used to tackle prey. Velociraptor can be distinguished from other dromaeosaurids by its long and low skull, with an upturned snout.\n\nVelociraptor (commonly shortened to "raptor") is one of the dinosaur genera most familiar to the general public due to its prominent role in the Jurassic Park motion picture series. In the films it was shown with anatomical inaccuracies, including being much larger than it was in reality and without feathers. Some of these inaccuracies, along with the head's larger dome in the movies may suggest that the dinosaurs in the movies were actually modeled on Deinonychus.[3] Velociraptor is also well known to paleontologists, with over a dozen described fossil skeletons, the most of any dromaeosaurid. One particularly famous specimen preserves a Velociraptor locked in combat with a Protoceratops.\n\nYou aren't paying attention, your grade is suffering. \n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\nBut hey! Who cares? You are passing the time brilliantly, and are learning more about something you actually find remotely interesting, clothes!\n\nJust two more classes to go! [[Head to History Class|HistoryClass]]
You flip the switch to turn the lights completely off and head back to the table where you ignite the bunsen burner. \n\nWould you like to [[start spraying the solution into the fire|sspray]] or [[conduct a preliminary spray beforehand to adjust the nozzles dispersion?|exp4]]
You haven't seen Sam in a while and it's good to catch up. You two reminisce about Timmy's recent birthday party at Six Flags. You talk about your shared contempt for Mrs. Raven's Shakespeare lectures and the long week. <<set exp = "no">> <<set $score -=2>>\n\nAfter a few minutes laughing and talking with Sam, you [[head to class, late.|backrow]] \n\n
"Surprise, Surprise..." says, Principal Lebowitz. <<set $leb = "yes">>\n\n"Good afternoon, Principal Lebowitz," you reply with a bit of sadness in your tone.\n\n"Why are you here today?" he asks you.\n\nDo you want to [[put forth a Shakespearian attempt to salvage your academic standing|getoutoftrouble]] or would you like to just [[bow to authority|sendhome]]?\n\n\n
After putting up a minimal fight against the authority of Principal Lebowitz you are being sent home. <<set $score -=10>>\n\nTough day at school. Wednesday afternoon is shaping up to be more strenuous than you anticipated\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>
<<set $score -=3>><<if $row eq "front">>Better be careful with your phone here, using a device in the front row is risky business. Luckily, this is not your first rodeo and you know a few tricks of the trade of not getting caught. Would you like to attempt to block Mr. McGrath's view of your phone with a binder from your backpack or would you rather risk it?\n\nDo you [[pull out the binder|binder]] or [[risk it|riskit]]?<<else>>You are in the back row, seemingly miles from the action at the front of the room, so you are not to be worried about getting caught Mr. McGrath. What would you like to do on your phone? \n\nDo you want to [[play a game|game]], see what's on [[youtube|youtube2]] or check out [[facebook|facebook]]?<<endif>>
"Yes" <<set $score -=3>>\n\n"Great", replies Mrs. Plant, "Now go home and come to class next time with a better attitude!"\n\n"Yes Mrs Plant", you say. \n\nYou pack your things up and make way for [[freedom|freedom]].
Wednesday Afternoon Course Schedule\n\n1:00pm - 1:55pm English with Mrs. Raven\n2:00pm - 2:55pm History with Mr. McGrath\n3:00pm - 3:55pm Science with Mrs. Plant\n\nNot a pretty sight, the three toughest subjects with the three toughest teachers. \n\nIt's 12:55pm, best be heading to class now. Would you like to head right to class and get a spot in the front row so you can pay attentuion? Or would you rather roll the dice by hitting up the water fountain? \n\nBefore you make any rash decisions here, keep in mind that any choices you make throughout the course of the day will effect your academic standing. Your grade is determined on a scale of 100 points. Right now you have a grade of <b><<print $score>>.</b>\n\nBased on your gameplay, your grade will either increase or suffer.\n\nNow would you rather [[Head to Class|English Front Row]] or [[Hit the Water Fountain|Water fountain before English]]?\n\n<<silently>> \n<<set $row = "front">>\n<<endsilently>>\n\n
"We will pick up right where we left off yesterday in Act III, Scene III in Friar Laurence's cell," Mrs. Raven starts off, "Who would like to play the part of Friar Laurence?"\n\n"Ohh, Ohhh, Me, me me!!!," blurts out Timmy Trehard. \n\n"Ok Timmy, you can play the Friar, says Mrs. Raven, "Now who would like to read the part of Romeo in this scene?"\n\n<<if $row eq "back">>From the back row you realize that you can make an effort to prove to Mrs. Raven that you are actually a very attentive student and possibly make up for your tardiness.\nAlthough the thought of volunteering to play one of the dumbest characters in all of literary fiction in front of all your friends is painful. \n\nDo you want to [[read the part of Romeo|readromeo]] or would you like to [[try to follow along|noromeo]] and find a way to pass the time? <<else>> You are in the front row, you are on a roll and volunteering to read the part of Romeo will probably earn you some much needed brownie points with the Raven. Although the thought of volunteering to play one of the most famous characters in all of literary fiction in front of all your friends could be a challenge. \n\nDo you want to continue your run to the top of the class and [[sieze the part of Romeo|readromeo]] or do you want to take a pass and try to [[follow along|noromeo]]?\n\n<i>Remember: Using your phone in the front row increases your risk of getting spotted by the teacher and penalized.</i> <<endif>>\n\n
Oh No! You've forgotten to silence your phone! \n\nThe Candy Crush musical score blasts throughout the classroom and Mrs. Plant's eyes land on you immediately. \n\n[[You are doomed.|planty]]\n\n
You see for yourself how awesome the reaction is. \n\n"See science isn't so bad," Mrs. Plant smiles. \n\n"Yea" you shrug. \n\n"How about I reserve you a spot at the experiment table every Wednesday afternoon so you can actively participate in the lab?" Mrs. Plant says nicely, "I feel as if it would help you learn the material better. Is that something you would be interested in?"\n\n[[Say Yes.|yes]]
Wednesday Afternoon\n
Jefferson and Livingston begin the scene deliberating back and forth. Jefferson tells Livingston to sail across the Atlantic to meet with Napoleon (You) with an authorization to buy the state of Louisiana. \n\nYou are nervous, your palms are clamming up and you can feel the eyes of your classmates on you. \n\nLivingston approaches you. \n\n"Greetings Monsieur Livingston" you say in a French accent, "Welcome to France! My name is Napoleon Bonaparte." You extend your hand to him and you shake hands. let the negotiations commence...\n\n[[Hear what Livingston has to say|neg3]]
You just sprayed lithium into the fire without adjusting the nozzle beforehand. Exactly not what the teacher told you to do. \n\nThe nozzle was set to a whide angle and you engulfed Mrs. Plant's sleeve in flames. She immediately freaks out and does a stop drop and roll. <<set $fire = "yes">>\n\n"I knew you weren't listening to me!" she says, "Sit in the back of the room NOW!" <<set $score -=3>>\n\nNot good, you walk toward the rear of the room and [[sit down.|noexp]] \n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\n
Reaching for the bottle labelled 'potassium' she adjusts the nozzle and sprays the solution in into the bunsen burner. \n\n"Wow" you react to the pretty purple-pink plume of flame that the potassium causes as a result of the interaction. \n\n"That is my favorite reaction," remarks Mrs. Plant, "traditionalists refer to the color potassium produces when exposed to flame as lilac."\n\n"That was really cool," you react honestly, "Can I see it again?"\n\n"Here you try it," Mrs. Plant says handing you the bottle of potassium solution. \n\n[[Spray the potassium into the bunsen burner.|sprayp]]
You continue waiting for the principal, who is clearly not talking to anyone in there and probably just playing solitaire on his stone-age computer in his office. \n\nAlas, the door opens. <<set $score -=3>>\n\n[[enter|enterprinciplesoffice]]
"Alright then, thank you" Mr. McGrath says, his voice hinting at gratitude. <<set $score +=1>>\n\n"Now all three of you come up here so I can give you your instructions and scenario" he says. \n\n[[Walk to the front of the room|getinstructions]]
You forgot to turn your phone to silent mode. You blew it. <<if $bind eq "yes">> The theme song of the game you tried to play just blasted throughout the classroom for all to hear. Not even the binder could save you. You are chopped liver. <<else>>The theme song of the game you tried to play just rang throughout the classroom for all to hear. You are chopped liver.<<endif>><<set $score -=2>>\n\n"You! Outside NOW!" yells an enraged Mr. McGrath pointing his finger at the tip of your nose. \n\nIn disbelief you [[exit the classroom|walkhallway]] and wait for Mr. McGrath to follow you into the hallway. \n
Wow. The first thing to appear on your newsfeed is an album of photos take at Timmy's birthday party last weekend. Boy, that was an epic day at Six Flags...You flip through the photos, 'liking' a few of them here and there.\n\nYou look at the clock, it's almost quittin' time. Amazing how time whips by when you have an iPhone. \n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\nClass is already over, the bell rings, you [[head to science class|waytosci]]. \n\n\n\n
Listening to this Romeo and Juliet banter is just not doing it for me. <<set $score -=2>>\n\nGood thing I have my handy-dandy iPhone. What to do, what to do.... So many options, so many apps. It's difficult to make a decision when all the information in the world is at your fingertips.... \n\nWould you like to [[browse the web|browse]], check out [[wikipedia|wiki]], or [[twitter|twitter]].
Headed back to class you realize Mr. McGrath's History is almost over, you manage to sneak in the back and sit down in your seat unnoticed. <<set $score -=1>>\n\nYour grade still suffers <b>Grade: <<print $score>></b> \n\n[[Head to the next class|waytosci]]
"Ok little experimenters," begins Mrs. Plant in her cheery, high-pitched voice, "The materials we will be using in this lab are; one bunsen burner, safety goggles, and 7 trigger spray bottles each containing a different metal or metal salt. The 7 metals we will be testing today are sodium, potassium, lithium, copper, calcium, barium, and strontium." \n\nYou frantically jot down the listed materials and continue listening eagerly.\n\n[[Continue listening to instructions.|exp2]]
League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena where players control a "champion"[6] in order to be matched in a short PvP battle or bot game. As of February 27, 2014, there are 118 different Champions from which to choose. Players gain levels from killing the opposing team's Champions, controlled by other players or bots, and minions that regularly spawn and attack the other team's turrets, minions, and champions. In the classic game mode, the map is typically divided into "lanes", which are paths that spawned minions take, the "jungle", an area between lanes where neutral monsters spawn, and "bases", where players spawn and can purchase items. The primary map, Summoner's Rift, features three lanes, commonly referred to as top lane, where bruisers (partially damage, partially tanky) and tank type champions tend to go. Mid lane, where assassins and burst damage carries tend to go, and bot lane, where the ranged DPS (damage per second) carries and their supports tend to go. The jungle is sometimes considered a lane, where an assassin or tank champion tends to roam in order to collect buffs and assist in the other lanes freely. The player earns a small amount of gold every second passively, but can earn more by getting the last hit on minions, destroying enemy towers (referred to as turrets) that guard the lanes, neutral monsters located in the jungle, and killing enemy champions. With this gold, users can buy a variety of items to strengthen their champion for the duration of the game. On the classic Summoners Rift, Twisted Treeline, and Howling Abyss maps, the game is ended by destroying the enemy team's last structure on the map, called the "Nexus", from which minions spawn. Other maps have variations of rules and objectives, such as Dominion on the Crystal Scar map, where each team's Nexus loses health if the opposing team controls at least three of the five towers located around the map.[7]\n\nThe player is identified as a "Summoner" and acts as the persistent element in the game, to be used to track statistics and scores for each player.[8][9] Summoners gain experience points and "Influence Points" (in-game currency) for each battle they participate in. Experience points lead to persistent level gains for the Summoner, up to a maximum level of 30. The benefit of gaining levels is unlocking Mastery Points and Rune Page slots (below) which improve the overall strength of the Summoner's chosen champion in-game. The Summoner can also choose two summoner spells.[8] These spells significantly impact gameplay, and have a high cooldown while costing no mana. All spells can be improved by masteries (perks that affect gameplay), which are developed in a skill tree.[8] All of the masteries are passive effects, although some augment items which can be activated. They are grouped into Offensive, Defensive, and Utility categories. Masteries can be re-distributed at will between battles.\n\nSimilar to masteries, runes affect gameplay in minor ways. Runes are categorized into Marks (offensive), Seals (defensive), Glyphs (magic) and Quintessences (utility). They must be unlocked in the Store; it is possible to own multiple copies of one rune. Summoners must arrange their runes in the Runebook to benefit from them. The Runebook has limited number of slots for each rune type, but more rune pages can be purchased from either Influence Points or Riot Points. Combining two equal-tier runes produces a random rune of the same tier, while combining 5 equal-tier runes produces a higher-tier rune.\n\nThe League of Legends Store allows players to purchase additional options through Riot Points (RP) and Influence Points (IP). Riot Points must be bought using real money, while Influence Points are earned by playing the game.\n\nModeration is conducted through a democratic system known as The Tribunal. In this system, player-submitted reports are reviewed by other players on a case-by-case basis. The reviewing players then submit their opinions on the legality of the behavior demonstrated. A consensus renders the decision official. It is notable that players are unable to be permanently banned through this system, since "all permanent bans are distributed manually." Reviewers receive a Justice Rating based on their accuracy to encourage thorough analysis of cases.[10]\n\n\n<<set $score -=2>> \n\nThis game sounds awesome, you wish you could play this League of Legends instead of sitting through class. You aren't paying attention, your grade is suffering. \n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\nWhatever, you just passed the time in class brilliantly. Class is over - Mrs. Plant has let you out early! Oh joy! \n\nYou are now free! Get on your way to [[freedom.|freedom]]
Mr. McGrath continues ominously,"Jefferson is going to send Livingston to negotiate a deal for the state of Louisiana with you. They are going to offer you $10 million for it."\n\n"Hmm, ok should I take their offer?" you ask. \n\n"No", says Mr. McGrath, "You are going to refuse their initial offer because you are trying to withdraw from the New World since it has been costly for you have your own battle to tend to back in Europe."\n\n"...So what should I do then?" you inquire.\n\n[[Find out your negotiation tactic|finalinst]]\n\n
You pack your things up quickly as you can and make your way out of school. <<set $score -=8>>\n\n"Oh one more thing," Mrs. Plant says as you are halfway out the door, "During the last 30 minutes after class when you were still asleep, I was talking with your mom outside about your behavior. Your dog was in the back of the car, I was petting him. Pack your things up right now and tomorrow morning at 7:30am meet me in this classroom, you will answer for this.""\n\nNoooooo, you blew it. At least you can go home. Pack you things up and[[ leave.|freedom]]
"This," says tall kid, "is marijuana." And you smoke it like this."\n\nTall kid takes a long deep breath through a tiedye glass tube and then hands it to you. \n\nDo you [[rip the bong for the first time in your life|ripbong]] or do you [[get out of the car and run back to class?|runbacktoschool]]
<b> Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\n"I will be the narrator," declares Mrs. Raven, "Ok Timmy, since you elected to be the Friar why don't you start us off?!"\n\nTimmy begins in his in his usual, pompous tone, "Romeo, come forth, come forth, thou fearful man. Affliction is enamour'd of thy parts, And thou art wedded to calamity." <<set $score +=1>>\n\n"Enter Romeo!" proclaims narrator Raven. \n<<if $running eq "yes">>\nStill out of breath you read <<else>> You spring into action<<endif>>,"Father, what news? what is the prince's doom? What sorrow craves acquaintance at my hand, That I yet know not?"\n\nTimmy the Friar responds, "Too familiar Is my dear son with such sour company. I bring thee tidings of the prince's doom."\n\n"What less than dooms-day is the prince's doom?" you passionately reply. \n\n"A gentler judgment vanish'd from his lips, not body's death, but body's banishment." says Timmy in the most profoundly terrible english accent.\n\nYou match his accent and reply, "Ha, banishment! be merciful, say 'death' for exile hath more terror in his look, much more than death. do not say 'banishment.'"\n\n"Would either you or Timmy like to take a break or continue on?" asks Mrs. Raven\n\n"No thanks!" Timmy immediately quips back enthusiastically.\n\nWould you like to [[take a break|followromeo]] or would you like to [[continue reading|continueromeo]]\n\n\n
"Mrs. Plant," you say, "Science is just not that interesting to me." <<set $score -=3>>\n\n"Did you even see what happened today?" she retorts, "No, of course you didn't because you were asleep! Today, the entire class was blown away by the different colors from the reactions of different metals when exposed to flame. Today was the coolest lab I teach all year and you missed it."\n\n"Come over here" she says.\n\n[[Follow Mrs. Plant|followplant]]\n\n
Ahhh yes, Wikipedia, a world of knowledge ready for exploration. But what to search for? Whatever, you already are using your phone in class and you're in a risk-taking kind of a mood\n\n[[Click Random Article|randomwiki]]\n\n\n
You roll down your window the smoke billows out. \n\n"Hey, man! What are you doing?! Roll that back up" cries the driver.\n\nIt's too late, a teacher has spotted the chimneying smoke and already notified the police officer on duty at the school. \n\n<b>Grade:<<print $score>>\nExpelled</b> \n
<<if $fire eq "yes">>Wow what a dumb move, you didn't pay attention at all and almost lit your teacher on fire.<<else>>\n<<endif>>Ugh, would have been great to participate today. \n\nWatching this experiment from the back of the room is going to be pretty miserable. \n\nYou pull out your notebook and enviously concentrate on the students sitting at t eh experiment table at the front of class. \n\n[[Listen to Mrs. Plant's instructions.|Back1]]
"From 1803 - 1861 the people of the United States began moving Westward into what is now known as Oklahoma.", says Mr. McGrath as he begins illegibly writing dates on the chalkboard, "Oklahoma became a part of the United States in 1803, as a result of the Louisiana Purchase. The Louisiana Territory was, as Thomas Jefferson saw it, very important to the expansion and livelihood of Americans."\n\n"Originally a Spanish territory," continues Mr. McGrath, "the Louisiana Territory was sold to France in 1801. Seeing that the port of New Orleans was a highly strategic port for the United States, Jefferson wanted to take action and make France an offer to buy the land." \n\n[[continue to the simulation|volunteer]]\n\n\n
<<set $score -=2>> \nJohnny Manziel @JManziel2 May 8, 2014\nSo honored to be a Cleveland Brown. I can’t wait to get to work. #DraftDay \n\nWow, what a sincere guy. As you ponder Johnny's career in the NFL, your school grade is dropping...\n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\nBut hey! Who cares? You are passing the time brilliantly, and are following along with important news from all over the world in real time. \n\nJust two more classes to go! [[Head to History Class.|HistoryClass]]\n\n
"Why can't you make it on time for once?" says an exasperated Mrs. Plant as you enter the classroom. \n\n"Good afternoon class", Mrs. Plant says, her voice clearly stifling excitement, "Today is flame testing day! Today we will be testing and recording the reactions of certain metals when exposed to flame."\n\nYou cringe. It would have been a great day to get a seat at a lab table as this seems like an interesting experiment. Unfortunately you are sitting in the back of the classroom and will have to watch and record observations as your classmates perform the experiment without you. [[Pull out your notebook and look on, disappointed|noexp]]\n\n
You follow Mrs. Plant over to the experiment table and she demonstrates to you the reaction of potassium and fire. \n\n"Put some goggles on" she instructs you.\n\n[[Reach for the goggles and put them on.|gogs]]\n\n
"Think you can handle the hurricane?!" calls out Jason - referring to his signature move where he hits his opponent in the head with the ball. You ignore him and continue walking toward the tetherball court.\n\nYou feel electrified with adrenaline as you pace confidently onto the court. You lock eyes with Jason as you stop at the pole.\n\n"Game on!" calls out Jason as he serves the ball. You garcefully return the shot with a backhand sending the ball around the pole twice before Jason is able to hit it ba--SMACK--\n\nYou open your eyes to see Jason and the other students outside laughing at you. Jason's malicious 'hurricane' move had worked evidently. You lose the game and then notice the time.\n<<set $score -=2>>\nLate to class though, oh well. I'll beat him for sure next time <<set $row = "back">>\n\n[[Head to History class now|frhistory]]\n\n
Wandering down the halls during class periods is a risky endeavor when you dont have a hall pass. But, luckily, dodging the suspicious gazes of the faculty is your forte. \n\nThe thrill of sneaking through the hall beats class with the Raven any day. You can't imagine having to sit through another Shakespeare class. <<set $wander = "yes">>\n\nYou hear a voice call out "Hey kid what's up?" Startled, you notice a few kids sitting in the dark part of the stairwell by the computer lab. \n\n"Just wandering the halls..it beats class with Mrs. Raven," you reply sheepishly. \n\nThe stairwell kids chuckle amongst themselves, "The Raven? You have class with her! That stinks! I bet she is going on about Romeo and Julian or whatever right now. Good thing you're missing that."\n\n"Hey kid, you want to head outside, maybe grab some sir?" says the tall stairwell kid. <<set $score -=5>>\n\nReply [["Yea sure, I need a break!"|outside]] or [["No thanks, I'm gonna head back to class."|waterfountaintoromeo]]\n\n
--Let the player undo moves? (on / off)\n--In Sugarcane, this enables the browser's back button.\n--In Jonah, this lets the player click links in previous\n--passages.\n\nUndo: off\n\n--Let the player use bookmarks? (on / off)\n--This enables the Bookmark links in Jonah and Sugarcane\n--(If the player can't undo, bookmarks are always disabled.)\n\nBookmark: on\n\n--Obfuscate the story's HTML source to prevent possible\n--spoilers? (swap / off)\n\nObfuscate: off\n\n--String of letter pairs to use for swap-style obfuscation\n\nObfuscateKey: elyomnqrzhgbipjxtvkcsfuwda\n\n--Include the jQuery script library? (on / off)\n--Individual scripts may force this on by\n--containing the text 'requires jQuery'.\n\njQuery: off\n\n--Include the Modernizr script library? (on / off)\n--Individual scripts/stylesheets may force this on by\n--containing the text 'requires Modernizr'.\n\nModernizr: off\n
<<if $phone eq "no">> Yikes, this is going to be brutal without your phone for the rest of the day. \n\nMrs. Raven places your iPhone in the top drawer of her desk and turns to Timmy, "Please, Timmy, pick up where you left off before we were so rudely interrupted."<<else>>"Ok, does anyone else want to play the part of Romeo?" asks Mrs. Raven. \n\n"I will!" says Sally exhuberantly.\n\n"Great! Timmy, take us away." says the Raven. <<endif>>\n\nTo no ones' surprise, Timmy gleefully starts up again, "Hence from Verona art thou banishe. Be patient, for the world is broad and wide."\n\nSally jumps in as Romeo, "There is no world without Verona walls but purgatory, torture,and hell itself. Hence "banished" is banished from the world and world's exile is death. Then banished, is death mistermed. Calling death banishment, thou cutt'st my head off with a golden axe, and smilest upon the stroke that murders me."\n\nTimmy, with a great deal of expression yells, "O deadly sin! O rude unthankfulness! Thy fault our law calls death, but the kind prince, taking thy part, hath rush'd aside the law, and turn'd that black word 'death' to 'banishment'. This is dear mercy, and thou seest it not." \n\nAt least you are following along, the teacher takes notice of your attentiveness <<set $score +=1>>\n\nSally readys herself for the big passage, "'Tis torture, and not mercy. Heaven is here, where Juliet lives, and every cat and dog and little mouse, every unworthy thing, lives here in heaven and may look on her. But Romeo may not. More validity, more honourable state, more courtship lives in carrion-flies than Romeo. They my seize on the white wonder of dear Juliet's hand and steal immortal blessing from her lips, who even in pure and vestal modesty, still blush, as thinking their own kisses sin. But Romeo may not, he is banished. Flies may do this, but I from this must fly. They are free men, but I am banished. And say'st thou yet that exile is not death? Hadst thou no poison mix'd, no sharp-ground knife, no sudden mean of death, though ne'er so mean, But 'banished' to kill me?--'banished'? O friar, the damned use that word in hell. Howlings attend it, how hast thou the heart, being a divine, a ghostly confessor, a sin-absolver, and my friend profess'd to mangle me with that word 'banished'?"\n\n<<if $phone eq "no">> <<else>>If you want to put an end to this miserable banter you can always just [[take you your phone out|noromeo]].<<endif>>\n\nTimmy, visibly rattled by Sally's passion for Shakepeare, replies, "Thou fond mad man, hear me but speak a word."\n\n"O, thou wilt speak again of banishment." she answers. \n\n"I'll give thee armour to keep off that word. Adversity's sweet milk, philosophy, to comfort thee, though thou art banished." Timmy says. \n\nSally responds as if she, herself, had actually been banished, "Yet 'banished'? Hang up philosophy! Unless philosophy can make a Juliet, displant a town, or reverse a prince's doom, It helps not, it prevails not. Talk no more."\n\n"Great job, continue please for us Timmy and Sally, just a bit further," says Mrs. Raven. \n\nTimmy smiles and reads, "O, then I see that madmen have no ears."\n\n"How should they, when that wise men have no eyes?" Sally answer.\n\n"Let me dispute with thee of thy estate," Timmy continues. \n\nFinishing up strong, Sally replys, "Thou canst not speak of that thou dost not feel. Wert thou as young as I, Juliet thy love, an hour but married. Tybalt murdered, doting like me and like me banished, then mightst thou speak, then mightst thou tear thy hair and fall upon the ground as I do now, taking the measure of an unmade grave." \n\nThe bell finally rings as Mrs. Raven says, "Ok class, that will be all for today!" \n\nClass is finally over and as you pass Mrs. Raven says to you specifically, "Great job today, keep it up!"\n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\nYou smile and [[head to the next class|HistoryClass]].
Arriving back at class you find that your classmates are packing up their things. Class already over! The end of Wednesday already? Fantastic! \n\nYou pack your things up quickly and rush to [[freedom.|freedom]]
<<set $score -=2>> As you following these kids out of the dark stairwell and into the parking lot, it suddenly dawns on you that you have never seen either of these people before. You concern for your academic standing quickly becomes irrelevant to you. \n\nYou follow these two kids, who now appear to not be middleschoolers at all, into a red stationwagon.\n\n[[Get into the car|redstationwagon]] or [[Run away|runbacktoschool]]. \n\n
"Thank you for recieving me in person Emperor Bonaparte," Livingston says, "I have been sent here by President Jefferson to negotiate terms regarding a certain Louisiana and I would like to inquire as to how much France would be willing to part with the state for."\n\n"Ah yes, so I am told," Napolean replies, "What is your offer Monsieur Livingston?"\n\n"I am willing to give you $10 million for the state right now," says the Livingston, confidently\n\n...........this is not going well, the simulation is extremely boring and your focus is gone altogether. \n\nYou [[pull your phone out of your pocket|phonehist]]. \n\n
Ok History and English are in the past now. All that stands between you and freedom is Mrs. Plant and her science class. \n\nCurrently you have a grade of <b><<print $score>></b>. \n\nWould you like to [[head straight to the lab|exptable]] and grab a spot at one of the lab tables or would you rather [[hang out with your friend Sam|sam]] in the hallway?\n\n<b>Notice:</b> Should you forgo a spot at the experiment table you will be seated in the back of class and be responsible for recording observations while you watch your classmates perform the experiments.
One more video....WOAH! \n<html><object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/eZHI7JjOclw?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/eZHI7JjOclw?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object></html> \n\nAre you kidding me! That man can cut watermelon at the speed of light! \n\nYou watch this video over again a few times because you can't quite comprehend the extent of this guy's outrageous skill. \n\nWow, class is already over?! Time flys when you don have to listen to Mr. McGrath! \n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\n[[Leave class and walk to science|waytosci]]. \n
What do we have here? You find a sweet video on YouTube. <<if $row eq "front">> You are in the front row so it's going to be tough to watch this, definitely need to turn off the volume. <<else>> <<endif>> <<set $score -=4>>\n\n<html><object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/u4vuBh0iur8?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/u4vuBh0iur8?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object></html> \n\nHoly cow, didn't even know that was possible! There is some incredible stuff on the internet. \n\nLet see some [[more videos|youtube3]].
You take the bottle labeled 'lithium' and spray it into the bunsen burner. <<set $score -=2>>\n\nWhat happens next is horrible. \n\n[[See what you did.|uho]]
<<set $score -=2>><<if $row eq "front">> "HEY! WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!?" Mr. McGrath's voice penetrates through to the very depths of your slumber and you awaken with a jolt, very rattled. \n\n"uuhhh....uuhhhu" you try to regain full control of your thoughts. \n\n"Wait for me outside NOW!" Mr. McGrath says. \n\n[[Walk out into the hallway|walkhallway]] <<else>> zzz....zzz...zzz...zz...z....z...[[z|zz]]<<endif>>
Stealthily you pull your phone out of your pocket and power it on underneath your desk. \n\nWhat would you like to do on your phone? \n\nDo you want to [[play a game|game]], see what's on [[youtube|youtube2]] or check out [[facebook|facebook]]?
"Ok my observers," begins Mrs. Plant as she addresses everyone who will not be taking part in the experiment in her trademark high-pitched voice, "The materials we will be using are as follows; one bunsen burner, eye protection, and 7 trigger spray bottles each containing a different metal or metal salt. The 7 metals we will be testing today are sodium, potassium, lithium, copper, calcium, barium, and strontium. Make sure you record all of the materials down in your observations for the lab report you will all be writing and turning in tomorrow."\n\nUgh, now you have to do paperwork instead of playing with fire... \n\n[[What else does she have to say?|back2]]
You pick up the bottle, adjust the nozzle, and aim it at the flame just as you did with the previous six bottles. You hope that you end the expiment on a high note as you spray the solution into the bunsen burner flame. The Strontium produces a deep red burst of flame. \n\n"Ahh yes, strontium!" Mrs. Plant exclaims, "Similar to the reaction of lithium, the crimson is a little less impressive but nevertheless a nice shade of color."\n\nYou feel accomplished and satisfied. That was fun!\n\n"Great job experimenters!" Mrs. Plant says in her merry tone, "Since you guys did such a great job, you may leave 5 minutes early today!" \n\nfantastic! It's over, and that wasn't so bad at all. Probably one of the best science classes of all time! \n\n[[Make for freedom|freedom]]
You sneak a binder out of you backpack and place it on your desk. Then, you stealthily remove your phone from your pocket and turn it on. <<set $bind = "yes">>\n\nWhat would you like to do on your phone? \n\nDo you want to [[play a game|game]], see what's on [[youtube|youtube2]] or check out [[facebook|facebook]]?
YouTube has always been you go-to time killer. Good choice, kid.\n\nWhat to watch today....hmmmmm.....\n\n[[Click a link for a video|video1]]
tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock\n\nTime moves unbearably slow as you post up in th euncomfortable waiting room chairs of the Principal's office. If only you could use a cell phone here...\n\n[[wait some more|morewaiting]]
Mr. McGrath starts droning on about the background of the Louisiana Purchase. You contemplate what to do.\n\nNow that you have basically cleared yourself of any responsibility to history class, you are free to either [[pay attention and learn something about the Louisiana Purchase|tryhistory]], [[pull out your phone|phonehist]] to pass the time, or just [[take a quick snooze.|snoozehist]] \n\n<<set $score -=1>>
Wow! You have managed to be freed from all charges with just a mere slap on the wrist! One lucky duck you are!\n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\nYou quickly realize your luck and do not attempt to press your good fortune any more. \n\n[[head to class|backtoclass]]
Wikipedia never disappoints, so much to knowledge absord. \n\nYou feel like gambling a bit so you decide to [[click a random article.|wiki2]]
Congratulations, you have just completed Wednesday Afternoon. \n\n<<if $score gte 60 and $score lt 70>>You made it through this afternoon with a <b>Final Grade of <<print $score>></b>. Wow, you barely passed, maybe you should try to buy into the material a little more tomorrow, hey you might just get something out of it!<<else>> <<endif>> <<if $score lt 60>>You finished this afternoon with a <b>Final Grade of <<print $score>></b>. You fail.<<else>> <<endif>> <<if $score gte 70 and $score lt 80>>You made it through this afternoon with a <b>Final Grade of <<print $score>></b>. Satisfactory would be the word to describe your afternoon. Try buying into the material a little more, see what you get out of it.<<else>> <<endif>> <<if $score gte "80" and $score lt "90">>You made it through this afternoon with a <b>Final Grade of <<print $score>></b>. Looking good, you ended the afternoon on a high note. Great job. <<else>> <<endif>> <<if $score gte "90" and $score lte "100">>You made it through this afternoon with a <b>Final Grade of <<print $score>></b>. WOW! You are a superstar, participating in class paid off bigtime. Look at you, freedom is well earned.<<else>> <<endif>>\n<<if $score gte "101">>You made it through this afternoon with a <b>Final Grade of <<print $score>></b>. Look at you. Not only did you exceed all expectations, but you are officially the best student we have ever seen come through this game. Extra Credit for you! <<else>> <<endif>>\n\nYou are done with class and are headed home. \n\nThe End
Picking up the bottle labeled 'sodium' you nervously spray the solution into the bunsen burner, unsure of what to expect. \n\nThe result is a beautiful yellow-orange plume of a flame. \n\n"Great job!" Mrs. Plant proclaims, "Looks like that could have gone a lot worse, good work fixing the nozzle."\n\nNext up [[potassium.|potassium]]
"I was using my phone in class and I guess I caused a disruption" you reply sheepishly. \n\n"Well that certainly is a big no-no. Principal Lebowitz is ready for you now, you can head in," says Mrs. Robinson gesturing towards the Principal's door. \n\n[[Enter the office.|openprin]]
Browsing the web on your mobile device you venture onto youtube and find this awesome video.<<set $score -=1>>\n\n<html><object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/A6XUVjK9W4o?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/A6XUVjK9W4o?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object></html>\n\n[[Continue watching youtube videos|youtube]] or tune into [[class again?|followromeo]]
"Ahh yes Napoleon, thank you for volunteering, I hope you're up to the challenge" Mr. McGrath gruffly says to you. <<set $score +=1>>\n\nYou smile and listen as Mr. McGrath rattles off your instructions. \n\n"Now listen to me," he says, "Napoleon is dealing with a heavy slave revolt in the Caribbean and can no longer afford to keep the Louisiana Territory under the guard of the French army, but Jefferson doesn't know that." \n\n"Ok, understood", you say as you nod in approval. \n\n"But wait, there's more," continues Mr. McGrath. \n\n[[Hear what he has to say|continueinstructions]]
Huebsch and Wing \n
A rich green/blue color emits from the copper reacting to the flame. A handful of students behind you clap giddily. It seems like the reactions keep getting cooler and cooler.\n\n"Wow this one is very cool," you say. <<set $score +=1>>\n\n"A favorite amongst students, copper produces this blue/green hybrid and, fun fact, is included in Duraflame logs," Mrs. Plants states. \n\n[[Calcium is next|calcium]].
Mrs. Plant whisks you out of class and down the hallway toward the Principal's office. \n\nShe opens the filmsy, windowed door, thrusts you toward the secretary's desk, and storms out of the room and back to her class. \n\n[[Sheepishly say hello to the principal's secretary.|hisec]]
After a few minutes of deliberation between Jefferson and Livingston, Jefferson tells Livingston to sail across the Atlantic to meet with Napoleon. Livingston is authorized to buy the state of Louisiana. <<set $score +=2>>\n\nLivingston arrives from his voyage."Greetings Monsieur Livingston" Napoleon says in a French accent, "Welcome to France! My name is Napoleon Bonaparte and I understand you are here on business."\n\nYour attention span is thinning - you want to learn so you can improve your grade but that is difficult to do from your passive, back row seat. [[Try to stay focused|focushist]]
Welcome to <b>Wednesday Afternoon</b> \n\nIn this game, you will assume the idenity of an 8th grade student. It's Wednesday Afternoon, the worst stretch of class you have all week. You have only three classes left, English, History, and Science. Get through these three subjects and you are free from the educational confines of middle school...at least until tomorrow. \n\nAll you can think about is that final bell, your attention span is thinning, you just want to get out, be free. \n\n<b>But be careful!</b> Should your teacher pick up on any of your numerous attempts to make this grueling afternoon of lectures any easier on yourself your grade may suffer!\n\nThe bell trills, lunch is over. Showtime. <<set $score = 84>>\n\n[[Glance at your schedule|Schedule]]\n\n
You pull out your phone as discreetly as possible and power it up. \n<<set $score -=2>>\nA plethora of options at your fingertips what would you like to do?\n\nWould you prefer to watch some videos on [[youtube|youtubelab]], check out some articles on [[wikipedia|wikilab]], or [[play a game?|gamelab]]
"I am worried about you," Mrs. Plant says in a sympathetic voice. \n\nWow, thinking she was going to take the mean teacher route, you are ptaken aback. \n\n"You are the worst student in my class at the time." she says. \n\nOuch, that hurts. \n\n"Is something wrong outside of the classroom?" Mrs. Plant inquires.\n\nWould you like to [[make up an eleborate lie|biglie]] in order to stop your alreadying declinging of your grade or would you rather just tell her the truth, [[science is boring.|sciencesucks]]
Mr. McGrath pulls you close and whispers, "You are going to offer them the entire territory of Louisiana for their purchase at a price of $15 million." \n\n"Wow, alrighty then" you reply enthusiastically. \n\n"Got it?" Mr. McGrath asks.\n\nYou answer confidently, "Yeah, got it." \n\n[[Begin the simulation|negotiationsbegin]]
Tired and not really in a mood to pay attention, your eyes begin to droop and you blissfully you dirft off to sleep. \n\n[[zzzz|zlab]]
Oh how you love the thrill of Candy Crush. <<set $score -=3>>\n\n[[Slide some candy around|slidecandy]]
What was the first step again? Oh rightm darken the room and light the bunsen burner.\n\n[[Hit the lights.|lightsoff]]
Mrs. Plant then lights her bunsen burner and continues to decribe the procedure, "First, we will darken the room and light the bunsen burners." \n"Don't forget to test your spray bottles range and adjust the nozzles to provide for a fine mist." Mrs. Plant says as she demonstrates from her desk. "We will then, carefully, spray each of the seven different solutions into the flame and the students in the back of the room will record the observations." \n\n"Everyone all set?" she inquires. \n\n[[You are ready to go.|exp3]]
After putting up a minimal fight against the omnipotent authority of Principal Lebowitz, you are sent home. <<set $score -=5>>\n\nTough day at school. Wednesday afternoon proved to be more than you could handle. \n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\nThe End
<<if $running eq "yes">> Huffing and puffing you race back through the halls. As you finally enter the classroon, Mrs. Raven gives you her classic, "I expected better from you", look as you plop down in the back row exhausted. \n\nYour tardiness and disregard for the rules has gotten you off to a pretty tough start with the teacher early this afternoon...\n\n<<set $score -= 2>> <b>Grade: <<print $score >></b>\n\nYou consider if Romeo and Juliet is, in fact, the last thing on Earth you want to listen to as you [[pull your book out of your bag|RomeoJuliet]]. \n\n<<else>>You meander your way to the classroom, the class has already begun. Mrs. Raven gives you her classic, "didn't expect anything else from you", look and you plop down in the back row. \n\nYour tardiness and blantant disrespect has gotten you off to a pretty tough start in terms of letter grades this afternoon. \n\n<<set $score -= 2>> <b>Grade: <<print $score >></b>\n\nRomeo and Juliet is just about the last thing you want to hear about right now as you [[pull your book out of your bag|RomeoJuliet]]. <<endif>>\n
Spraying the bottle far away from your table you discover that the dispersion of the flame is too wide. You twist the nozzle until you find the perfect fine spray for the experiment. <<set $score +=1>>\n\nNext up [[spray the sodium|sodium]] into the bunsen burner.
<<if $row eq "back">> Late from your tether ball match with Jason you have no choice but slither your way through the rest of the students to the back row of desks. You meander to the back of the class and take your seat. <<else>> <<set $score +=1>> "Early Bird gets the worm" says an unenthusiastic Mr. McGrath as you enter the otherwise empty classroom. You shoot him a quick smile and situate yourself in the front row. \n<<endif>>\n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\nThe bell rings and class begins. [[Take out your History textbook|historystarts]].
A tap on the shoulder awakes you from your peaceful slumber.\n\nStartled, you jolt up to see who it is.\n\n[[Find out who woke you up.|wakeuplab]]
You grin with confidence as you say, "That is a generous offer, however, I am curious as to whether you would be willing to spend &15 million for the entire Louisiana Territory?"\n\nLivingston is a bitstartled but, knowing Jefferson's wishes, accepts your offer fairly quickly. <<set $score +=2>>\n\n"Very well done!" Mr. McGrath interjects, "An excellent rendition of the Purchase indeed!" \n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\nYou congratulate your fellow actors and just as you head back to your seat, the bell rings. History class is over. Amazing how time flys when your volunteering here.\n\nTwo down, one to go. Time to sprint to the finish. [[Head to science|waytosci]]
Sprinting down the hallways back toward the classroom, you are determined to make it Mrs. Plant's class and see what today's allegedly 'cool' experiment is. \n<<set $score +=3>>\nYou are literally pushing people out of your way as you tear down the halls and make it just in time to get the last spot at the experiment table!\n\n"Woah there," says Mrs. Plant, "Someone is excited for flame testing day!" \n\nHmmm, what could flame testing day be? Your mind wanders as you [[catch your breath and class begins|flame]]. \n\n
"Hello Mrs. Robinson" you say. <<set $score -=3>>\n\n"Why are you here?" says Mrs. Robinson who is still feverently typing on her computer. \n\nWould you like to [[make up a lie|lierob]] about why you were sent here or would you rather just be [[upfront and honest|honest]] with Mrs. Robinson?
You reach for the second bottle labelled 'potassium' you check this nozzle as you did with the last and spray the solution into the bunsen burner. \n\n"Wow!" You see a pretty purple-pink plume of flame that the potassium causes.\n\n"That is my favorite reaction," comments Mrs. Plant, speaking loud enough for the students recording observations in the back of class to hear, "traditionalists refer to the color potassium produces when exposed to flame as lilac."\n\nYou pity the other students that dont get to shoot metals at fire. Oh well, you continue enjoying yourself.\n\nThat was really cool. Next up [[lithium.|lithium]]
"That was quick," Mrs. Robinson says still looking at her computer. \n\n"Yeah" you shrug. \n\nYour mother arrives. <<set $score = "0">>\n\nYou are kicked out of school for 'excessive disruptions to the learning environment'. Shame on you - do better.\n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>>\nExpelled</b>\n\nThe End
You feel great - one class down, two more to go! <<set $row = "front">>\n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\nHistory could be a bit of a struggle though, Mr. McGrath is real stickler for the rules. Would you like to head straight to class and get a seat near the front of class or would are you going to see if you can play a quick game of tether ball against Jason before class starts? \n\n[[Head to History|frhistory]] or [[Tether Ball|tether]]?
You turn to galnce over your right shoulder to see who has woken you up. It is Mrs. Plant, your worst fear. You now realize the class is empty. You look at the clock, it reads 4:32pm, thats means class has been over for the better half on an hour. Yikes. <<set $score -=5>>\n\n"We need to talk..." Mrs. Plant says ominously. \n\nOh boy, this is not good. [[Hear what she has to say.|wakeuplol]]
"You see last month my dog, Spot, died. Spot was my best friend and I miss him so much," you say puting on an epic act - you quiver and your eyes well up with tears. God, you're good at acting\n\n"Oh my gosh that is so sad. I am very sorry to hear that," responds Mrs. Plant. "I guess I can cut you a little slack, please try to pay attention next time in class though." <<set $score +=3>>\n\nWOW, you certainly dodged a bullet there! She bought the entire story!\n\n[[Head for freedom|tofreedom]], quickly, while you still can.
"Now, we have three parts, Robert Livingston, the U.S. Minister to France; Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President; and Napoleon Boneparte, French Emperor," Mr. McGrath states. \n\n"Who would like to volunteer to play President Thomas Jefferson?" he asks. \n\nBefore Mr. McGrath can finish the sentence Timmy Trehard leaps to his feet screaming, "ME ME ME ME!!!" \n\n"Ok, Timmy you can be President Jefferson, now how about the part of Minister Livingston?" Mr. McGrath asks the class. \n\nYou think about it, but you know better than to play the role of the negotiator, lots of work involved there. Luckily, Arnold volunteers for this role.\n\n"Ok Arnold, you will play Livingston," Mr. McGrath grumbles, "For the third and final, who wants to play the part of the Great Napoleon?"\n\nFor a few moments no one says anything and you find yourself conflicted in this 'fight or flight' scenario. Would you like to [[act as Napoleon|actnapoleon]] or just [[watch this play out from your desk.|nonapoleon]] \n
"What do you think you're doing?! A cellular phone in MY class?! On experiment day nonetheless." Mrs. Plant says sternly. \n\n"I....I don't know," you stammer. \n\n"Well you are going to the Principal's office right now. That is what's happening," Mrs. Plant says "I have told you too many times to put that phone away." \n\n[[Follow Mrs. Plant to the Principal's office.|planttoprinciple]]
Coughing for about 10 minutes, you now know what it means to be "high as a kite". <<set $score =0>>\n\nThe stairwell kids mock you and laugh as you cough uncontrollably. \n\nAs the coughing subsides your lungs are bursting for some clean, crisp, smokeless air. \n\nYou [[roll down your window|windowdown]]\n\n\n\n
<<set $score -=2>><<if $row eq "front">>You are already sitting in the front row, what good will it do you to participate in these mock negotiations? Is it really worth looking like an idiot in front of your friends?. <<else>> You are in the back row, no brainer to not participate. This way, you can sit back, relax, and watch the simulation from the comfort of your back row seat.<<endif>>\n\n[[Follow along from your seat|followhistory]]\n
You spray the calcium into the flame, expecting some sort of periwinkle explosion. To your disappointment, nothing really happens. \n\nYou check the label of the bottle to make sure it says calcium and then try again. \n\nAfter a second spraying, still nothing happens. \n\n"Mrs. Plant?" you call out, raising your hand, "Are you sure calcium is in here?"\n\nMrs. Plant chuckles, "Yes, I am sure," she continues, "calcium produces the least spectacular reaction when exposed to flame. It simply burns orange and red."\n\nHmm, interesting, on to the next one, [[barium.|barium]]
<<if $leb eq "yes">> Upon your entrance into the office, Principal Lebowitz shouts, "You're here again?! I can't believe my eyes!" \n\n"Look, I'm sorry Principal Lebowitz!" you interject\n\n"Don't you apologize to ME for disrupting YOUR class. Save the excuses, I am calling your mother to have you picked up this instant, two visits to my office in one day is absolutely unacceptable," Principal Lebowitz says sternly. "You are to wait outside until your mother comes and picks you up. Am I making myself clear?!"\n\n"Yes sir", you reply, tear wellin up in your eyes. \n\n[[head out into the waiting room|waitingroom]].<<else>>"Surprise, Surprise..." says an exasparated Principal Lebowitz. \n\n"Hello Principal Lebowitz," your voice choked with shame and fear.\n\n"Why are you here?" he asks sassily.\n\nDo you want to [[put forth a Shakespearian attempt to salvage your academic standing|getoutoftrouble2]] or will you just [[bow to authority|sendhome2]]?\n<<endif>>
"Good afternoon class", Mrs. Plant says, her voice clearly stifling excitement, "Today is flame testing day! Today we will be testing and recording the reactions of certain metals when exposed to flame." \n\n<<if $exp eq "no">>You cringe. It would have been a great day to get a seat at a lab table as this seems like an interesting experiment. Unfortunately you are sitting in the back of the classroom and will have to watch and record observations as your classmates perform the experiment without you. [[Pull out your notebook|noexp]]<<else>>Good thing you got a seat at the experiment table. This seems like an exciting experiment and you are thrilled that you get to play with fire. [[Put on a set of goggles|expgogg]]. <<endif>>
bbbbbrrrrrrrriiiiiiiinnnnggg!!! \n<<set $score -=10>>\nThe bell rips into your catnap and you jolt awake. \n\nShoot! You didn't mean to sleep through the whole class.This is not good, at least it went by quickly though...\n\nSluggishly, you collect your things and walk into the hall. Just before exiting the classroom Mr. McGrath sarcastically calls out, "How was your nap?"\n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\nYikes. [[Head to science.|waytosci]]\n\n
<<silently>> \n<<set $row = "back">><<set $wf = "yes">>\n<<endsilently>>\nAhhhh the water fountain, an oasis of rejuvenation amidst this dungean of academia. You know you pressed for time and might be a bit late to class, but you don't really care.\n\nAfter a long, satisfying drink of cool water you glance at your watch, already late, ugh. Now you will have to answer to Mrs. Raven.\n\nDo you want to [[head to class|waterfountaintoromeo]] or [[wander down the halls?|wander]]\n\n
"Hey Sam what's up" you say as you approach Sam's locker.\n<<set $score -=2>>\n"Hey! Ugh, just had science class with Mrs. Plant," says Sam. \n\n"I have that next!" you reply. \n\n"Oh you should definitely get a seat at the experiment table today then! I got there late and it's a brutal day for sitting in the back," she says. \n\nDo you want to [[turn and sprint|sprintexp]] for the classroom in an effort to snag a spot at the experiment table? Or would you rather just [[hang out in the hallway|hangsam]] with Sam for a few more minutes?
Mrs. Plant then continues to decribe the experiment, "Be sure that you make note of the procedure as well. First, we will darken the room and light the bunsen burners. We will then test the spray bottles range and adjust the nozzles to provide for a fine mist. We will then carefully, one by one, spray the 7 different solutions into the flame and the students in the back of the room (you) will record the observations." \n\nOk, you are just going to tune out here. Not really worth it to record everything in your notebook since you can just get the notes from someone else in class. \n\nSince there's no reason to pay attention anymore, do you want to [[pull out your phone|phonelab]] or [[take a quick snooze?|snoozelab]]
He dryly explains that he willl be asking for volunteers to participate in a simulation of the Louisiana Purchase in this particular lesson. \n\n"After a quick lecture of course," says Mr. McGrath. Your classmate seem noticably disappointed.\n\nMr. Mcgrath begins lecturing on the Westward Expansionary period of the early United States. \n\n<<if $row eq "back">>From the back row your ears perk up after hearing somethign along the lines of 'volunteers' but you can't be sure. Anything to make this class move by easier would be great, but do you really want to run the risk of looking like a total History geek in front of all your friends? <<else>>Interested in the idea of participating in the simulation you anxiously ponder the idea of whether to volunteer in front of all your friends or not. You are already sitting in the front row, that may be enough for one day.<<endif>>\n\n[[Listen to the instructions|Historylesson]]\n\n \n\n
"Nice to see you here early" Mrs. Plant says happily as you walk into class.<<set $score +=1>>\n\nYou take a seat at the experiment table and ready yourself for whatever experiment Mrs. Plant has in store today. \n\nAfter a few stragglers filter in, Mrs. Plant stands up from her foliage-covered desk and introduces this week's Wednesday lab experiment.\n\n[[Listen in|flame]]
Sprinting down the hallway you bust through the double doors in Herculean fashion. <<set $score -=10>>\n\nThe burst of fresh air livens you as you quicken your pace. The infamous forest is just a few hundred yards away.\n\nYou decide you want to [[run for the forest|forest]]\n\n
Oh boy....you have been totally busted. <<if $sleep eq "yes">>Caught sleeping in the front row by Mr. McGrath. <<else>> Mr. McGrath is going to ruin you. <<endif>>\n\nHe is a total stickler and it is inevitable that you are going to have to speak to Principal Lebowitz about this. \n\nDo you wish to [[wait for Mr. McGrath|principle]] as instructed? Or would you like to take a chance and [[run for it|jumpandbook]]?\n
Scared and alone, you sprint back through the row of parked cars to the main school building. Mrs. Raven's English class seems infinitely safer that red stationwagon from hell. <<set $score -=3>> \n\nYou are still late, but whatever, it beats getting into trouble with those strange stairwell kids!\n\n[[Enter the school and head back to class.|waterfountaintoromeo]]\n\n<<set $running = "yes">>
Unimpressed by calciums reaction you snatch up the bottle labeled 'barium' hoping this will be more colorful. <<set $score +=1>>\n\nYou are not disappointed. \n\nOhhs and ahhs come from the people behind you, "Barium produces a very nice apple green color when exposed to fire," Mrs. Plant says, "Usually another one of the crowd crowd favorites!"\n\nNow for the final bottle, [[strontium|strontium]].
Sprinting across the soccer field toward the forest and freedom, you slip and fall into a masrhy patch of grass. You twist your ankle, and manage to become covered in mud. \n\nFreedom is not as great as it sounds. \n\nYou hear footsteps behind you. It's Mr. McGrath. \n\n"Come with me", says Mr. McGrath in his most stern tone. \n\n[[Follow Mr. McGrath|wait]]
"Thank you for recieving me in person Emperor Bonaparte," Livingston says, "I have been sent here by President Jefferson to negotiate terms regarding a certain piece of land."\n\n"Ah yes, so I am told," You reply in a stately manner, "What is your offer Monsieur Livingston?"\n\n"I am willing to give you $10 million for the state of Louisiana right here," says the U.S. Minister to France, "and, Emperor Bonaparte, that is as high as I am authorized to go."\n\n$10 million is alot of money and would go a long way for the growth of your empire, but don't forget what Mr. McGrath told you. \n\nAre you going to take the $10 million deal for the sale of Louisiana to the United States, counter the deal with the offer of the entire Louisiana Territory (over 800,000 square miles of land!) to the Americans for a price of $15 million, or would you like to decline the sale altogether?\n\n[[Sell the state of Louisiana for $10 million|wronghistory]], [[sell the entire territory for $15 million|bingohistory]] or [[decline the sale entirely|wronghistory]]?
Mr. McGrath sets the scene, "Alright class listen up, here we have two Americans, Jefferson and Livingston (gesturing to Timmy and Arnold) and one Frenchman, Napolean (he gestures toward you). They are going to take you through how the negotiations of the Lousiana purchase happened. \n\nAlright negotiators, are we ready?\n\n[[Ready|neg2]]
You are now confident in your safety and conduct the nozzle check and spray the bottle with more confidence than before. The result of the Lithium reaction is a very cool shade of dark red. \n\n"Lithium?" asks Mrs. Plant.\n\n"Yes it was," you reply.\n\n"The crimson color that results from the reaction of flame is highly sought after by fireworks enthusiasts. Many fireworks have these chemicals in their chambers in order to produce different colors" states Mrs. Plant. The class seems enthralled with the bright display of colors.\n\n[[Copper is next.|copper]]
To no ones' surprise, Timmy gleefully starts up again, "Hence from Verona art thou banishe. Be patient, for the world is broad and wide."\n\nYou jump in, "There is no world without Verona walls but purgatory, torture,and hell itself. Hence "banished" is banished from the world and world's exile is death. Then banished, is death mistermed. Calling death banishment, thou cutt'st my head off with a golden axe, and smilest upon the stroke that murders me."\n\nTimmy, with incredible exuberance, yells, "O deadly sin! O rude unthankfulness! Thy fault our law calls death, but the kind prince, taking thy part, hath rush'd aside the law, and turn'd that black word 'death' to 'banishment'. This is dear mercy, and thou seest it not." <<set $score +=3>>\n\nYou dial in here, up the accent-level and crush the next passage, "'Tis torture, and not mercy. Heaven is here, where Juliet lives, and every cat and dog and little mouse, every unworthy thing, lives here in heaven and may look on her. But Romeo may not. More validity, more honourable state, more courtship lives in carrion-flies than Romeo. They my seize on the white wonder of dear Juliet's hand and steal immortal blessing from her lips, who even in pure and vestal modesty, still blush, as thinking their own kisses sin. But Romeo may not, he is banished. Flies may do this, but I from this must fly. They are free men, but I am banished. And say'st thou yet that exile is not death? Hadst thou no poison mix'd, no sharp-ground knife, no sudden mean of death, though ne'er so mean, But 'banished' to kill me?--'banished'? O friar, the damned use that word in hell. Howlings attend it, how hast thou the heart, being a divine, a ghostly confessor, a sin-absolver, and my friend profess'd to mangle me with that word 'banished'?"\n\nTimmy, visibly rattled by you passion for Shakepeare, replies, "Thou fond mad man, hear me but speak a word."\n\n"O, thou wilt speak again of banishment." you fire back. \n\n"I'll give thee armour to keep off that word. Adversity's sweet milk, philosophy, to comfort thee, though thou art banished." Timmy says. \n\nYou read on, sweating from the emotional demand of the scene, "Yet 'banished'? Hang up philosophy! Unless philosophy can make a Juliet, displant a town, or reverse a prince's doom, It helps not, it prevails not. Talk no more."\n\n"Great job! But why dont you keep reading just a bit further?" says Mrs. Raven. \n\nTimmy smiles and happily reads on, "O, then I see that madmen have no ears."\n\n"How should they, when that wise men have no eyes?" you answer.\n\n"Let me dispute with thee of thy estate," Timmy continues. \n\nYou snap back, "Thou canst not speak of that thou dost not feel. Wert thou as young as I, Juliet thy love, an hour but married. Tybalt murdered, doting like me and like me banished, then mightst thou speak, then mightst thou tear thy hair and fall upon the ground as I do now, taking the measure of an unmade grave." \n\nThe bell finally rings, you hadn't even noticed how much time had passed since you started reading. You didn't even know you had that kind of awesome acting talent. "Ok class, that is all for today!" says Mrs. Raven as she pulls out her usual Wednessday afternoon snack of unsalted peanuts and dried smelts. Classic Raven..\n\nClass is finally over and as you pass Mrs. Raven says to you specifically, "Great job today, keep it up!"\n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\nYou smile and [[head to the next class|HistoryClass]].\n
<html><object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/4sXMIUDlPAo?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/4sXMIUDlPAo?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object></html> \n\nWow, a dog driving a car, what has this crazy world come to? Jeez, what else is on this site?\n<<set $score -=3>>\n[[Click another link|video2]]
<html><object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/rNdXezVKeOA?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/rNdXezVKeOA?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object></html> \n\nHAHAHAHAHA! You burst out laughing uncontrollably. All eyes turn to you, including Mrs. Plant's. \n\n"HEY! What is going on back there!?" Shrieks Mrs. Plant. \n\nOh no... youre in big trouble this time. You scramble to hide your precious iPhone.\n\n[["Come up here now!"|planty]] Mrs. Plant exclaims. \n
Your grades are important to you - you are set upon giving this class your <b>undivided</b> attention. \n\nMr. McGrath calls up the volunteers to explain the scenario to them. You question your decision to remain on the sidelines as you anxiously await the start of the proceedings. \n\n[[Wait attentively|waithist]]
"THAT IS NOT HOW I INSTRUCTED YOU!" Mr. McGrath's voice booms throughout the classroom frightening half of the class, "Just sit down!"<<set $score -=6>>\n\nUho, you weren't paying attention during his instructions and screwed up the simulation. Now you have to pay the price. Mr. McGrath is visibly angry by the way you botched this...\n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\nClass is over now. Crushed by your failure to follow Mr. McGrath's instructions, your grade has faltered. \n\nOne more class to go. [[Head to science.|waytosci]]
"Well I was just sent here to ask if I can borrow your stapler," you muster up a valiant effort, "Mrs. Plant needs to use it to staple together some pages for her lab report."\n<<set $score -=4>>\nMrs. Robinson looks at you now and inquires, "Are you sure that's why you are here?" she continues, "Because it didn't look like thats why Mrs. Plant brought you down here and looked so angry."\n\nRats, you thought she didn't see that. You are screwed now. \n\n"Just kidding!!!" you shout nervously, "I am here to see the Principal because i was not paying attention in class."\n\n"Yeah, that's what I thought," she replies, "Well, he is free now why don't you head on in."\n\n[[Open the Principal's door.|openprin]]
Mr. McGrath sets the scene, "Alright class listen up, here we have two Americans, Jefferson and Livingston and one Frenchman, Napolean. They are going to take you through exactly how the negotiations of the Lousiana purchase happened."\n\nReady?\n \n[[You are ready|listenneg]]
Wow! You have managed to be freed from all your troublemaking with just a mere slap on the wrist! You are one lucky duck! Try and do better.\n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\nYou quickly realize your luck and do not attempt to press your good fortune any more. You hastily exit the office and [[head back to class|backtoclass1]]
Wow, that video was freakin' sweet, let's see what else we can find on youtube... <<set $score -=2>>\n\n<<if $row = "front">> <<set $score -4>> "Hey! Give me that contraption right now!", hollers Raven. Deer in headlights, you reluctantly hand your iPhone to Mrs. Raven. Your beacon of hope amidst this miserable afternoon has been taken from you in the first of three classes, an afternoon of pure boredom seems inevitable. <<set $phone = "no">> \n\n[[Start following along with class because there is nothing left to do|followromeo]] \n\n<<else>> Whoa, look at this one! \n\n<html><object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/RD5OJeLeunc?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/RD5OJeLeunc?fs=1&hl=en_GB&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object></html> \n\nThe cute little kid catching his first fish is absolutely brilliant. Good thing you are in the back row and can listen to his reactions on minimal volume. Great video. <<set $score -=1>>\n\nBell sounds! Wow, class is already over, that flew by very quickly. \n\n<b>Grade: <<print $score>></b>\n\n[[On to the next class, History.|HistoryClass]] <<endif>>\n
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<<silently>> \n<<set $row = "front">>\n<<endsilently>>\n"Wow! You are here early for a change!" says Mrs. Raven in her infamously screechy voice. \n\nYou look at her in pure amazement, how can anyone have this much energy for the literary arts this late in the day? \n\nYou grab a seat in the front row, knowing it will be harder to let your attention deviate from the course material. But you also know that Mrs. Raven favors the students sitting in the front row... \n\nYour early arrival and front row seat choice is characteristic of a model student and shows that you want to improve your grade.\n\n<<set $score += 1>> <b>Grade: <<print $score >></b>\n\nStudents filter in, the bell rings and class begins.\n\n[[Take your copy of Romeo and Juliet out of your knapsack|RomeoJuliet]] \n\n
In the hallway you are apologizing to Mr. McGrath profusely in an attempt to disrupt the march to the principal's office. <<set $score -=4>> \nThis can't be good, he isn't listening to you one bit. \n\nYou arrive at the principal's office where you are sternly instructed to "have a seat and wait". Mr. McGrath heads back to class as you sit down with butterflies welling up n your stomach. \n\nYou pull out your phone and shoot out a few texts to notify your friends of your lamentable status. You tell them you will update them after your meeting. \n\nNothing left to do but [[wait.|wait]]
"Eye protection is mandatory for everyone who will be conducting the experiment today, as we will be using using open flames and hazardous materials," declares Mrs. Plant. <<set $score +=3>>\n\nOpen flames? Hazardous materials? Sounds serious, but you are giddy with the idea of conducting a dangerous experiment in front of everyone.\n\nYou place your goggles on our head and [[listen to her introduction.|introexp]]
Eyes heavy, tired from the lack of sleep. You doze off....zzz...zzz...zzz \n\n[[continue zzzing|zzz]]\n\n<<set $sleep = "yes">>